Thursday 17 March 2016

R is for rainbows

Our letter of the week has been Rr. We have worked hard all week on our rainbow art and poems and they look amazing! Make sure you check them out next time you visit Room 20.

Monday 14 March 2016

Welcome to Room 20 Molly!

Kia Kaha

We have had Constable Sue visiting Room 20 for the last few days. She has been talking to the children about how we can help make a happy, safe classroom. She has been very impressed with the Room 20 children and how much they know about helping others and asking for help when they need it.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Dance Session

Today we were lucky enough to take part in a dance session with Dean and Azra. Check out our dance moves!

Run, run as fast as you can ... can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!

Our letter of the week this week has been letter Gg. Our poem of the week has been "The Gingerbread man and today we decorated our own gingerbread men.

We also wrote our own Gruffalo stories which are on your child's seesaw page.

We can't wait to see what our letter of the week will be next week!

Thursday 3 March 2016

Get, Set, Go

Today was Room 20 and 21's second session working with Martin through the Get, Set, Go programme. This week we were learning about dodging. Check out our action shots!