Tuesday 30 June 2015

Superheroes week

It has been an exciting week so far in Room 20 as we celebrate our last week of term with a "Superheroes week". 

On Monday we started making our superhero puppets. They look amazing and will be up on our classroom wall next term so make sure you come and have a closer look.

Today we made our superhero bracelets. Watch out for our buttons as they make our superheroes secret powers work.

Check our our superhero maths:

Thursday 18 June 2015

L is for lemonade and lemons

On friday we made our own lemonade. We had to follow the recipe carefully. We got to squeeze the lemons in. It was quite hard, we had to use our muscles! Then we put in some sugar and Mrs Schimanski put in a few extra ingredients in. We had to stir it carefully until the sugar all melted. It made a syrup then we put cold water in. We all loved it and everyone had 2 cups each!

Andrea cut us each a piece of lemon to try. We all tried it and Andrea got some funny photos of our faces as we ate them.

By Room 20

Friday 5 June 2015

Cross country fun - Room 20 Superstars

Our cross country day was finally here. We were very excited and it was fantastic to see all the children in their red clothes to support whero house. We tried to have a quiet morning to conserve our energy but it was quite hard to do! Here we are listening carefully to Mrs Castle who was explaining the course to us.

First up was the 5 year old boy's race:

Next was the 5 year old girl's race:

Well done to everyone in Room 20, you all tried you best and had lots of fun.

Thursday 4 June 2015


Room 20 made jelly today. First we put the jelly crystals in. Then we put in some hot water. We stirred it carefully. All of the groups made different coloured jelly. They looked yummy. We can't wait to eat it!!

By Room 20

Reminder:  Te Waharua cross country is on tomorrow (Friday) weather permitting. Please make sure your child is wearing suitable running shoes and something red to support whero house.

Clown stories

Today we wrote stories about our clowns. We tried to include some adjectives (describing words) to make our stories more interesting. We hope you enjoy them.

Clowning Around

We have been busy drawing our own clowns. Check out our amazing artwork: