Thursday 17 March 2016

R is for rainbows

Our letter of the week has been Rr. We have worked hard all week on our rainbow art and poems and they look amazing! Make sure you check them out next time you visit Room 20.

Monday 14 March 2016

Welcome to Room 20 Molly!

Kia Kaha

We have had Constable Sue visiting Room 20 for the last few days. She has been talking to the children about how we can help make a happy, safe classroom. She has been very impressed with the Room 20 children and how much they know about helping others and asking for help when they need it.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Dance Session

Today we were lucky enough to take part in a dance session with Dean and Azra. Check out our dance moves!

Run, run as fast as you can ... can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!

Our letter of the week this week has been letter Gg. Our poem of the week has been "The Gingerbread man and today we decorated our own gingerbread men.

We also wrote our own Gruffalo stories which are on your child's seesaw page.

We can't wait to see what our letter of the week will be next week!

Thursday 3 March 2016

Get, Set, Go

Today was Room 20 and 21's second session working with Martin through the Get, Set, Go programme. This week we were learning about dodging. Check out our action shots!

Sunday 28 February 2016

Visiting Harold and the Life Education Bus

Today we were lucky enough to visit Harold and Paula on the Life Education Bus. We will have two visits to the bus and we are learning about how to be a good friend with them. We had lots of fun today and learnt lots of new songs.

Welcome to Room 20 Brooke

Look what happened on Friday

It was a very exciting day in Room 20 on Friday. Brooke joined Room 20 and two of our chrysalis hatched. Unfortunately Mrs Schimanski wasn't at school that day but Ms Hobson took lots of fantastic photos for us.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Fun day at Waikanae Pools

Today was the day we have been really looking forward to in Room 20 - our fun day at the Waikanae Pools. We got to catch the bus down to the Pools and had lots of fun splashing in the pools with our friends.

Check our your child's seesaw page for photos of them in the pool.

Have you filled a bucket today?

We shared this story in Room 20 today and we thought about what we can do to make our classroom a happy place. This is the list we came up with:

Give cuddles but remember to ask first
Say good things e.g. “I like your…”
Share eg an umbrella when its raining
Kind words, kind hands
Be nice to each other
Say sorry if we forget to be a bucket filler
Use nice manners
Take turns
Help others

Be a good friend

You may like to share the story at home too:

We also enjoy this song:

Remember to check your child's seesaw page to read their amazing stories about how they can fill other peoples buckets.

Monday 22 February 2016

Look at our caterpillars now

There was high excitement in our classroom last week because our caterpillars had all turned into the "J" shape. As we kept checking in on them during the day they all turned into a chrysalis. Dita even spotted it as it was changing so we could watch as it changed into the green chrysalis and the caterpillar skin fell off. We had four but unfortunately one fell off the plant so now we have 3. We will keep you updated with any more progress!

Thursday 18 February 2016

Powhiri and Welcome Assembly

Last Friday we had a powhiri to welcome all the new children, teachers and parents to Waikanae School. Here are some photos of the special day:

This week we had our first Te Waharua Tahi assembly and all the children in Room 20 received a welcome certificate in front of the syndicate.

Sunday 14 February 2016

Wheels Day Fun!

On Friday it was wheels day at Waikanae school and it was great to see lots of the children in Room 20 bring along their "wheels"!

Some of them even gave it a go on our new ramps.

What a lot of fun we had!

Monday 8 February 2016

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Room 20

We were very excited this morning to find that our little baby caterpillar that Room 21 gave us had been eating lots of leaves over the long weekend and is growing. Can you find it in the photo?? You have to look very closely!

We have also been busy creating our own caterpillar art which is now on display in our classroom.

Thursday 4 February 2016

I is for...

We have been learning about the letter Ii this week. We had lots of fun letter i activities on Fun Friday. First, we had a competition to see who could hold their piece of ice for the longest.

Then we got to eat some ice! It was cold and crunchy.

As a special treat because we have been working so hard Mrs Schimanski bought everyone an ice-block. YAY!

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Week One

It has been a busy week for all the new children in Room 20. We have been busy getting to know each other and learning school and classroom routines.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Welcome to Room 20!!

A big welcome to all the new children and parents to Room 20 for 2016.