Sunday 30 August 2015

Our big book this week has been "The Little Red Hen". We have had lots of fun sequencing what happened in the story and writing about whether we would help the little red hen or not.

We have also been learning about the "br" blend. On friday Andrea bought her bread maker to school. We all helped to make the bread. First, we had to read the recipe and then measure out the ingredients carefully. We watched through the window as the machine mixed the ingredients into a dough and then cooked it.

We waited and waited for what felt like a long time but finally it was ready and we got to eat it!! It was delicious.

Friday 21 August 2015

Measurement fun

We have been learning about measurement and practising comparing lengths of different objects. We all bought a soft toy to school today. First, we introduced our toys to the class and then we lined them up from shortest to longest.

We found out that Kaliyahs toy called Uni was the longest and Sophias toy tiger was the shortest. Then we measured our toys length, arm length and leg length using the unifix cubes. We also compared our toys to some of our friends using mathematical language like bigger, smaller, longer, shorter, fatter etc.

Weekend Challenge:  Can you make a list (or draw) objects from around your home that are longer than or shorter than your arm? We will be sharing the lists at school on Monday.

Monday 17 August 2015

Room 20 lead the Te Waharua Assembly

On Friday Room 20 did a fabulous job running the Te Waharua assembly. We had a large number of children who volunteered to speak at assembly. They did a great job showing how to be a good speaker by using a loud voice, speaking slowly and looking at the audience which we have been practising in class.

We shared one of our favourite songs "Sea colours". We got the whole assembly to join in. It was lots of fun.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Rocket Fun

Last week we made our own rockets using straws and blue tack. It was quite tricky working out how to blow them but once we got them going we had a competition to see whose rocket could go the furthest. This tied in with our learning about measurement in maths. We use our feet to work out how far our rockets went.

Friday 7 August 2015

Raisin Experiment

Room 20 are enjoying our "I am a scientist" unit and our latest experiment was lots of fun!

Raisin Experiment

Question:   When I put raisins in Sprite, what will happen?

We each made a hypothesis (a guess) about what we thought would happen.

(A) I think the raisins will explode - 8 votes
(B) I think the raisins will sink to the bottom - 1 vote
(C) I think the raisins will dance up and down - 3 votes
(D) I think the raisins will float to the top - 0 votes
(E) I think the raisins will melt - 1 vote


We saw the raisins dance up and down in the cup. Then they finally sank to the bottom. We think this happened because the bubbles (gas) pushed the raisins up and then they popped when they got to the top so the raisins went down again. Then when all the bubbles stopped the raisins sank to the bottom.