Monday, 26 October 2015

Fire Truck Visit

After the fire truck visit being rained off on Friday Room 20 were really looking forward to the visit today. Unfortunately the truck got called out to a job so only arrived at school close to the bell so we had to rush out but we got to see one of the firemen dress up in all his fire gear.

Then we all got a turn to try the water hose - we tried to get Mrs Schimanski as she took our photo!

Remember to talk about your fire safety plan at your house and if you see a fire shout "Fire! Fire! Fire!" and get down, get low and get out.

Cooking Fun

This term Andrea is taking a small group of children every week to do some cooking activities. Today the children practised their cutting skills making vegetable sticks and a delicious dip to go with it. Then we shared it together just before morning tea. We all enjoyed the healthy delicious snacks with some children trying some vegetables they had not before.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015


Room 20 and Room 21 had a visit from a group of firefighters from the Paraparaumu Fire Station today. They talked to us about how to be firewise.

We talked about what to do if we find matches and how important it was to give them to an adult and for the adult to put them up somewhere high so our little brothers or sisters couldn't get them.

 They shared a story with us and asked us lots of questions about what we would do if it was us. They were very impressed with the amount the students knew about keeping safe and reminded all the students that when they call 111 they need to say who they need (firefighters) their name and their address.

We practised what to do if we saw a fire. We practised calling out "Fire! Fire! Fire!" so everyone would know there was a fire and then getting down, getting low and getting out. We also practised crawling under the smoke blanket and getting out quickly to our designated safe meeting place.

It is a great time to talk at home and make sure everyone in your family knows what to do in a fire and where the safe meeting place is at your house.

We can't wait until tomorrow as the firefighters were so impressed with how much we knew and what great listeners we were that they are going to bring their fire truck tomorrow for us to look at. Make sure you check the blog again over the weekend for the photos!!

Gymnastics Fun

We were all very excited about our first gymnastics session and it was SO much fun. We started the session playing some games where we had to move around in different ways and then freeze when the music stopped.

Then we practised our safe landing motorbike stance and landing with safe hands. Next we were into the equipment stations set up around the hall. 

A big thank you to our parents and Year 8 helpers. We can't wait until next week to go again.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Reminder gymnastics tomorrow

Reminder - We have our first gymnastics session tomorrow (Wednesday). Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately to participate. For example, t-shirts with track pants, shorts or bike pants (no loose pants), no zips or buckles on clothing and long hair must be tied back.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

National Earthquake Drill

Today Room 20 and Waikanae School took part in the National Earthquake Drill. We practised what to do in an earthquake and talked about what to do if we were in different places around the school for example the field, library or playground.

We also watched this clip about being turtle safe:

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to:

It is all set to be an exciting last term of the year in Room 20. We will be learning about fire safety with a visit from the firefighters scheduled in week two. We have gymnastics, rippa rugby and grasshopper tennis this term. We will also be looking at plants and growing and of course Christmas fun to finish off the year. A newsletter will be sent home in the next week or so with further information on all these exciting learning opportunities.