Wednesday 21 October 2015


Room 20 and Room 21 had a visit from a group of firefighters from the Paraparaumu Fire Station today. They talked to us about how to be firewise.

We talked about what to do if we find matches and how important it was to give them to an adult and for the adult to put them up somewhere high so our little brothers or sisters couldn't get them.

 They shared a story with us and asked us lots of questions about what we would do if it was us. They were very impressed with the amount the students knew about keeping safe and reminded all the students that when they call 111 they need to say who they need (firefighters) their name and their address.

We practised what to do if we saw a fire. We practised calling out "Fire! Fire! Fire!" so everyone would know there was a fire and then getting down, getting low and getting out. We also practised crawling under the smoke blanket and getting out quickly to our designated safe meeting place.

It is a great time to talk at home and make sure everyone in your family knows what to do in a fire and where the safe meeting place is at your house.

We can't wait until tomorrow as the firefighters were so impressed with how much we knew and what great listeners we were that they are going to bring their fire truck tomorrow for us to look at. Make sure you check the blog again over the weekend for the photos!!

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