Thursday 3 December 2015

Room 20 End of year events and dates

It’s hard to believe it is only 10 more school days until the end of term! We are busy doing Christmas activities in Room 20 and we have a lovely Christmas tree that the children are helping to decorate.

Today (Thursday 3rd December) is the last day the children will bring home reading books. The Room 20 children have been very good this year at returning their books but if you could have a look at home for any stray books that need returning we would greatly appreciate it.

I will start sending home some of the children’s artwork and books next week. I like to send home a couple each day so that their bags are not too heavy and also so their lovely work doesn’t get squashed. Please keep bringing their book bags for one more week so I can put these things inside.

To celebrate our lovely year together in Room 20 we will be having a Christmas dress-up day (costumes, colours – anything you like!!) and a shared lunch on Wednesday 16th December. I will send home a reminder note at the beginning of that week.

Here are the key dates / events happening in the last few weeks of term:
Monday 7th December                  Teacher Only Day
Wednesday 9th December            Last gymnastics session
Thursday 10th December                Swimming Fun Day at Waikanae Pools
Tuesday 15th December                 Te Waharua Athletics (afternoon)
Wednesday 16th December          Room 20 Christmas dress up day and shared lunch
     Final Whole School Assembly

Thursday 17th December                Last day of term – 12:30pm finish

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